


A Browlift, or forehead lift as it is sometimes called, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the visible effects of ageing in the forehead region. This procedure has the effect of tightening the skin and muscle over the forehead, thus reducing drooping eyebrows, forehead furrows and frown lines.

In this procedure, the muscles and skin that cause the droopy brow are removed or altered to smooth the forehead, raise the upper eyelids and minimise frown lines. This can create a more youthful and less severe look to your face and is often done in combination with other facial surgical procedures such as Facelift, Necklift, Eyelid reduction or Laser resurfacing.

In many cases of heaviness or sad appearance around the eye, Browlift is required rather than eyelid Surgery to produce a youthful and elegant look. Often the best results are obtained when Browlift and upper Blepharoplasty are combined.

Browlift refers to a family of related but different procedures. Your surgeon will explain which he thinks as best for you.


The best candidates for Browlift are men or women of any age with good general health, who have brows ptosis (droop) & dermatachalasis. It is most commonly performed on people from age 40 onwards, to aid in reducing the visible effects of ageing, however it can be performed at an earlier stage for treatment of inherited droopy brows and similar conditions.

If you have a receding hairline, you may not be a good candidate for Browlift, or you may require a modified procedure so as not to accentuate the recession of this hairline. Note also that a high forehead can be lowered during an open Browlift, if so desired.

It is important to be realistic in your expectations and that you realise that although cosmetic Surgery may enhance your appearance and improve your self esteem, it may not alter the way other people treat you, or change your appearance to match your ideal. You should be emotionally stable and have a full understanding of the procedure and anticipated results prior to proceeding. A positive outlook often results in a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.

What to expect:

Your head will not be shaved for this procedure. Your hair will be tied back out of the way and some strands of hair adjacent to where the tiny suture lines will be may be cut. This is generally not noticeable after your Surgery.

In the majority of instances, browlift is performed by small incisions made in the scalp, one on each side of the temple, just inside the hairline. After surgical release of anchoring ligaments skin and tissue are pulled up and anchored to the skull, with sutures, or occasionally small surgical screws. Excess fat may be suctioned from the area at the same time if required.

Sutures are placed over the incisions and a light bandage is applied to the head for approximately 24 – 48 hours.

After Surgery / Recovery:

You will be given instructions on care of your dressings (if any) on discharge from the Surgery. The bandage will generally be removed 24 – 72 hours after your Surgery. You will need to sleep with 2 to 3 pillows to keep the head raised for the first week following Surgery. This helps minimise swelling and bruising.

Bruising may appear on your forehead and around your eyes. This usually dissipates within seven to ten days although may persist for six to eight weeks and black eyes are a possibility, but unlikely. This bruising and swelling can be camouflaged with special make-up, which is available through our Clinic.

Ice packs and elevation are the best methods of reducing swelling and bruising, especially if applied in the first 24 – 48 hours. Remember not to place ice directly in contact with the skin, wrap it in a plastic bags and towels so that it produces a pleasant cool rather than a stinging cold. You may prefer to use a dampened hand towel placed in the refrigerator for several minutes to chill.

You will be asked to attend our Rooms on an outpatient basis, to be monitored postoperatively. This will also enable us to address any problems you may have.

Sutures will be removed at about the tenth to fourteenth day postoperatively. If surgical screws are used in your procedure, it will be necessary to remove these after approximately ten days postoperatively. This is a procedure performed in our Rooms.

Procedure Planning:

Initial Meeting : 45-60 minutes
Pre-op : 30-45 minutes
Procedure time : 1 – 3 depending on technique used
Recovery Time : 2 – 4 Weeks
Post-op follow-up : 1 Week

Related Procedures:

Mid-face (Cheek lift)
Facial Rejuvenation

Before & After Photographs



If you would like to book a consultation, we can outline your options, and ensure that all the important details are explained and your questions and concerns fully answered.